Current north and southbound bike routes through Thorndon Quay.
Construction update 2025
The Wellington City Council is now in the final six months of construction, on track to be finished by July 2025. Here’s a progress update on work completed and what’s underway:
- Area 1: Bunny Street intersection to Mulgrave Street
Night works currently underway, scheduled to finish February - Area 2: Mulgrave Street intersection
Day works currently underway, scheduled to finish February - Area 3: In front of National Archives and Capital Gateway exit
To be completed during ‘sealing season’ pre-May (timing TBC) - Area 4: Pipitea Marae to Resene building COMPLETE
- Area 5: Resene building to Davis Street COMPLETE
- Area 6: Davis Street to Sebel Hotel
Day works currently underway, scheduled to finish May - Area 7: Sebel Hotel to Wattyl Paints
Sealing to be completed once day works in Area 6 have finished - Area 8: Wattyl Paints to Carpet Court COMPLETE
- Area 9: Curtain Studio to Ramset COMPLETE
- Area 10: Ramset to Tinakori Road
Cycleway separator installation underway, to be finished in February - Area 11: Tinakori Road intersection
Day works currently underway, scheduled to finish March - Area 12: Sar Street to NZCT COMPLETE
- Area 13: Gun City COMPLETE
(incl. Biking through Thorndon Quay, Cycleway surfacing and parking, Neat Places – neat results, Microgrants supporting small businesses, Whakahikuwai Awa karakia)