Thorndon Buildings Demolitions and Re-construction
61 Molesworth St has now been demolished.

Although we’re still recovering from the shock and surprise of it all, and we have justifiable concerns about how the changes are going to impact us, perhaps we should also remember to celebrate the amazing investment opportunities that have befallen Thorndon / Pipitea.

On the left is the illustrative depiction of the new building’s exterior. This is shown in relation to the Cathedral bell tower.
The Thorndon Residents Association has been invited to comment on the Covid 19 Recovery (Fast Track Consulting) Referred Projects Order 2020 Schedule for 55 – 61 Molesworth Street. This is a newly planned building is by Prime Property. The building present on the site prior to this plan was demolished due to earthquake damage. The scope of this project is to construct a 12-storey office building that includes retail or café space, a lobby, loading bays, and basement carpark.
The Association has submitted a set of questions before its final formal submission is authored and submitted.If you wish to comment on the application, please complete the form return it to the EPA by email to , or by post or in person.
Your comments must be returned to the EPA no later than 22 July 2021.
Revera House
Revera House is on the northern boundary of historic Old St Pauls, near the intersection of Murphy St, Mulgrave St and Pipitea St. By July 2017 it is estimated that the building will be decommissioned down to 5-floors high. This gives an indication of the time and size of the job that is underway. There will be many such jobs being undertaken across Thorndon and Wellington.

Freyberg House (former Ministry of Defence building)
Freyberg House, which sustained significant damage in the November 14 earthquake, will be demolished and rebuilt. AMP Capital has decided the demolition and complete rebuild of the building is the best way forward as the cost of repairs is not economically viable.

Progress reports from Wellington City Council

Update 13th January 2018
One lane of Mulgrave St is lined with shipping containers with scaffolding atop to screen the public from falling demolition debris. A large mobile crane also provided additional screening when higher parts of the core of the building were being nibbled away.
Note that just around the corner, Pipitea St is also being shut down to one lane for an extensive period of time this year. This is to enable the deconstruction of Revera House whose address is also on Muglrave St, but on the opposite side of the road.
The former Defence building is being ground down. Mulgrave St is now one lane. Here’s a couple of shots taken early Saturday morning – normally a very ‘quiet’ (non congested) time on these streets.